Thursday, November 20, 2008

Still trying...

"We tried!"

Wow, well the potty training is still in progress. LuLu is much more interested than Soph, and it can be exhausting because every time she thinks about potty or I say "let's change your diaper..." LuLu starts taking off her clothes and says "potty, potty..." They love to unroll al the paper, flush and wash their hands. However the amount of effort we go into to take all the clothes off, etc. compaired to the amount of time they actually really try to sit and go... is very small. They usually sit for 5 to 10 seconds, and then get up, want to flush ( or pretend to empty the small potty) & say "hands, hands..." over and over- we wash hands, and then they say " Tried, tried", to let us know that they know that they 'tried' to go. And although I totally know it is part of the process, the interest of trying & realizing the feeling of wet and is so hard to manage two at a time learning! I do have to say, they are so proud of themselves when the do try... clapping and smiling! What a huge hurdle this will be to move to the next stage!

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