On our way to Annabelle's first day at ballet...

"Look at my Ballerina twirl!"

Olivia and Sophia

Nothing like a daddy's love

The Twins and I at my sister Isabel's house
Well Annabelle has had a few weeks of ballet, and finally she doesn't cry when she has to walk in the room. I have to literally push her in the room and shut the door, because she seems to say "no, never mind momma...I want to go home"...but has a blast once involved. Everyone says it is for attention, but it is still hard to just close the door behind me! The funny thing is she will talk about ballerina twirls, about tu-tu's, dancing etc., the whole week, & on the way there, but then change her mind! But she is all smiles when I pick her up...so I know she has fun.
Connor is taking an acting class in San Bruno, CA for 6 weeks (we finish Oct.25 &26) and is loving it! He is such a creative exaggerated child, that this is fitting him perfectly! He has the choice to pursue commercials, T.V. auditions, print ads. (etc.), once he is all done with his 6 week course, but we are taking it one step at a time! We are fortunate that his Great-Grandma Glenda lives about 5 minutes away from where the classes are held, and she has been an amazing host for us on the weekends. (His classes are 10am-12:30, Sat. & Sun.) It's so nice to be able to spend some time with her, and her with the kids, on a regular basis!
Karlie and I have been able to spend some much needed one on one while down south for Connor's classes, and I love every second...she is just growing so quickly! My mom is an angel to stay with the kids (and Troy) to help out while I am gone. Don't think I could do anything without her, she is such a blessing!
The twins have been fighting a nasty virus, so we are in the healing process with them, I am sooo ready for a healthy household! I came down with an awful flu, and have yet to get completly rested :) But fall is here and we are all bound to come down with something ;(
Potty training slowly creaping in and is on the horizon...so to ME. that is a BIG deal!
Troy was able to take Anna fishing in the bay once and she LOVED it...even caught a fish with her daddy and her Papa (Dennis). But her favorite part was to drive the boat! And now he is ready for hunting season! He has gone once and is planning on going tomorrow with his Grandpa Reco. His big trip to Colorado is coming up right before Halloween... so he is doing his "Big Buck Dance" daily! (Such a power to positive thought! )
I am going to Weaverville in a couple of weeks for my scrapbooking trip, and am looking forward to getting away, and getting LOTS acomplished!
Well that's about it for tonight! More soon :)