Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Popsicle Fun
Sophie feeding her baby

Anna and the twins were outside the other day eating Popsicles, they were just a mess, but as cool as childhood is...it just didn't matter!
Sophie and Olivia (for reference...we call her LuLu, most of the time!) just love their baby dolls, this day, Soph refused to eat without her baby doll on her tray! Hey...you pick your battles as a mom, and this is one that I didn't care to fight!

Some recent pcitures

Connor with his winning smile!
When did she get so big? Karlie on vacation this summer
Went to the Rainforest Cafe in San Fran this summer, dinner was quite a production!
Sophia & Olivia, sitting still for one second
Me and the girls

It's been a while...!

Hello everyone! I hope your summer was a great one, and the new school year is off to a nice start. A quick brief: Karlie (6th grade) & Connor (3rd grade) both started back at Hydesville Elementary, and although they both still miss Redway School, this year was a much easier start then last year, as "the new kids". The are both excelling in school, and we couldn't be prouder! Annabelle started ballet, which has been a rocky start, however we have reached a point where we have a nice routine going! The twins are both just as cute and fun as the rest of em' have been at this age! Olivia is talking so much, it's unreal. Sophie is quieter in words, but makes up for it in action! Halloween is coming up and the kids are as excited as they are every year, with Connor leading the pack. They have all changed their minds 10 times already, and will probably change 10 more by the end of the month! Connor is taking an acting class in San Bruno on the weekends (till the end of October), and is having a ball! It fits his personality to a 'T'. My annual scrapbooking trip is coming up at the end of the month as well, and Troy is preparing to go to Colorado and hunt. Life is just carrying on fine in our neck of the woods, hope all is well with everyone. I will try and get better about coming on and keeping you informed with up to the date pictures. The kids are changing so quick, it scares us! Happy October everyone!